Pushing Back Against Privacy Infringement On The Web
The world’s first website was made from static HTML files created in a text editor. While it looks unassuming, it laid the foundation for the web we have today. Fast-forward 30 years, and website technology has changed significantly — we have images, stylesheets, JavaScript, streaming video, AJAX, animation, WebSockets, WebGL, rounded corners in CSS — the list goes on.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee couldn’t have possibly imagined the weird and wonderful place the world wide web would become and how deeply it would become part of our everyday lives. Yet, for all these technological developments, it’s interesting that many of us are still serving sites in the same way Tim did with the very first website — a web server serving static website files.
Throughout the web’s history, static websites have always been a popular option due to their simplicity, scalability, and security. However, unlike the early days of the web, static sites are no longer limited to developers working in a code editor. Now there’s a massive range of Jamstack CMSs available, which bring all the advantages of static sites while allowing non-technical folk to update content.
Over the years, there have been many different approaches and evolutions of static and Jamstack CMSs. In this post, we’re taking a stroll down memory lane to look at the CMSs that gave rise to the Jamstack CMSs we have today and peek beyond the horizon of what’s next.
The 90s #
During the 90s, we saw two content management systems for static sites — Microsoft FrontPage in 1996 and Macromedia Dreamweaver in 1997. I vividly remember receiving a PC Magazine for my birthday with a trial of Dreamweaver. Piecing together a website using a WYSIWYG editor and seeing the code it generated was a fascinating and educational experience that sparked an initial interest in web design.
These desktop applications incremented the tooling an inch closer to the modern Jamstack content management systems of today. The idea of drag’n’dropping website components while still having control of the HTML was groundbreaking at the time.
Maintaining layouts became a particular pain point for static sites. For example, let’s say you had a website and wanted to change your navigation. You would need to make that change on every page. At this point, dynamically generated websites had already solved this problem with includes.
Dreamweaver 4 introduced editable regions, which was the first foray into separating content from the layout on a static website. Now you could manage larger sites and even hand off content editing to someone else without worrying about them breaking the rest of the site.
The bridge between local development and deployment was also a pain point Dreamweaver began to address with integrated FTP. I remember the struggle of getting my FTP configuration exactly correct in Dreamweaver for the free, advertising-ridden hosting I’d found. But, when it worked, it was magical. I had my website with funny photos and links to favorite websites live on the internet, and better yet, I could edit directly on the server.More after jump! Continue reading below ↓
Meet Image Optimization, Addy Osmani’s brand new practical guide to optimizing and delivering high-quality images on the web. From formats and compression to delivery and maintenance: everything in one single 528-pages book.Jump to table of contents ↬
The 00s #
In the 2000s we had a showdown of two popular blog publishing platforms — MovableType in 2001 and WordPress in 2003. It was a battle of not only proprietary vs open source but also static vs dynamic. It’s safe to say WordPress, the platform now powering 40% of the internet, won that battle, but MovableType paved the way for Jamstack CMSs in the future.
MovableType was one of the first static site generators on the market, although that term wouldn’t become popular until 2008. Ben and Mena Trott created MovableType because of a “Dissatisfacion with existing blog CMSes — performance, stability.” To this day, these two points are common reasons for switching from a dynamic site to a static one.
What’s interesting is there was little mention of static sites in MoveableType’s documentation at all. Instead, they would talk about “rebuilding” the site after any changes. I imagine they wanted to avoid the limiting perception of the word ‘static.’ It’s the same problem that led the community to adopt the term ‘Jamstack.’
Before MovableType, other personal blogging platforms were available such as Geocities, Blogger & Open Diary. However, MovableType was one of the first widely available platforms you could download for free and host yourself. In addition, they introduced a hosted version of MovableType in 2003 called TypePad to compete with other popular cloud platforms.
With MovableType, you had everything you needed to manage your blog. You could create and update blog posts, all content was straight HTML — open-source WYSIWYG editors weren’t available at the time, and Markdown didn’t come about until 2004.
We can see all the bones of modern Jamstack CMSs here. MovableType really was before its time.
In 2006, Denis Defreyne tried to set up a Ruby-based blog platform and ran into performance problems — “Having a VPS with only 96 MB of RAM, any Ruby-based CMS ran extremely slowly.” One year later, Denis launches Nanoc, a static site generator that simplifies MovableType’s model. Nanoc removed the UI and is instead a program you run on the command line.
As far as I can tell, this is the first modern static site generator, although we’re still a year away from coining that term. At the time, Nanoc talked about compiling source files into HTML:
It operates on local files, and therefore does not run on the server. nanoc “compiles” the local source files into HTML by evaluating eRuby, Markdown, etc.
Nanoc had many static site generator (SSG) features we now take for granted:
Create layout elements using Ruby’s ERB templating language. -
Page Metadata
A separate YAML file for storing title and other metadata for a page. Front matter wasn’t a thing yet. -
Markdown support
Write content in Markdown and transform it into HTML on build. -
A feature similar to Hugo’s archetypes. -
Known as libs; extend the static site generator for your own needs.
By the end of 2008, Tom Preston-Werner announces Jekyll — a simple, blog-aware, static site generator. It took ideas from Nanoc and pushed them even further with two significant innovations:
Front matter
Instead of metadata living in a separate file, now you can have a small YAML snippet at the top of a file. -
Blog aware
Create posts with Markdown files. Jekyll builds these into an array you can iterate over and paginate to create a blog.
Both Nanoc and Jekyll revolutionized the future of static site tooling in their own way. First, Nanoc introduced having a site’s configuration, layouts, and content as static files. The benefit of doing this is the entire site’s source code can live in Git. Jekyll took this a step further by providing more structure around the content. Now you could use GitHub as your CMS. Adding a new blog post is as simple as creating a new Markdown file in GitHub, writing your content, and committing.
The 10s #
In 2012, Dave Cole published a post on How we build CMS free websites. The post details how Development Seed moved their websites from Drupal to Jekyll and how they use Prose.io to manage the content. Development Seed built Prose.io to make it easier for content writers to contribute to Jekyll websites.
Prose.io syncs with your GitHub repository and provides a simple GUI for everyday content tasks such as updating front matter, writing Markdown, creating posts, and uploading files. In addition, content updates save back to GitHub, creating a tight workflow between developers and content writers.
Prose turned Jekyll from a tool for developers to create blogs to a powerful content publishing platform. Moreover, it sparked a decade of companies pushing static site generator content publishing to the next level.
There are now hundreds of modern Jamstack CMSs to choose from, each with its own benefits and trade-offs. Jamstack CMSs typically take one of three approaches to manage content on a static website:
Hailing back to MovableType, these platforms manage content and render the static site themselves. Controlling the whole stack means these CMSs can provide a tightly integrated experience. Expect live previews, straightforward setup, and strong conventions.
The downside of the SSG/CMS package is they’re bundled together. You might love the editing experience but loathe the website generation portion. It’s worth noting that you can throw away the SSG portion on some of these platforms and only use it solely as a Content API.
Examples: Statamic, Publii, WordPress (with Simply Static plugin).
These platforms provide content as a service. They offer many different field types you can use to piece together the content for your pages. On top of that, Content API platforms provide sophisticated APIs to retrieve the content.
When you run an SSG build, you download the content from the content API and interact with it like you would a data file. The nice thing about content APIs is you can reuse content across many different digital experiences. In addition to that, you can manage massive amounts of content and have deep relationships between pieces of content.
The downside is your content lives on a third party, so you’re at their mercy for any downtime, API changes, or how you interact with your content. Finally, as the editing interface is abstract from the end use-case of the content, there can be a disconnect between the fields in the Content API vs what you see rendered on a web page.
Examples: Contentful, Prismic, Strapi.
These platforms take a similar approach to Prose.io. You connect your Git repository, they pull in your website files and create an editing interface around them. When you save changes, the files push back to your repository. The benefit of this approach is your Git repository holds your entire site and all its content.
Git based CMSs bring all the power of Git workflows to non-technical content writers. The downside is everything lives in your repository, so if you want to reuse content across multiple digital experiences, you would need to build JSON endpoints on your static site. Hosted repositories also have an upper limit of ~2GB, so you may need to use a 3rd party service for media if you have many assets.
Examples: CloudCannon (disclaimer: I’m the co-founder), Netlify CMS, Tina
Where Are Jamstack CMSs Today? #
SSGs were originally tools for developers to build personal blogs. It was a simple approach that gave developers complete control, but you needed a basic understanding of web development to contribute to the sites. Over the past decade, the rapid evolution of Jamstack and the Jamstack CMS has helped propel Jamstack into mainstream use cases. These use cases include: